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House Appropriations Committee Approves State, Foreign Operations Spending Bill

On July 19, the House Appropriations Committee passed, by voice vote, the FY2018 State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs spending bill (as-yet-unnumbered), as amended. The House Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs passed the bill on July 13 (see The Source, 7/14/17).

According to the committee report, the bill would provide $47.364 billion in overall funding, $5.707 billion less than FY2017 and $6.842 billion above the president’s FY2018 request. This amount includes $12.019 billion for overseas contingency operations.

The Department of State would be funded at $11.337 billion, $118 million above FY2017 and $2.193 billion above the president’s request.

Bilateral Economic Assistance would receive $8.321 billion and includes $2.974 billion for USAID global health programs.

The bill would include $6 billion to combat HIV/AIDS around the globe and $5.086 million for the Office of Global Women’s Issues. In addition, the legislation would provide $400 million for water, sanitation, and hygiene projects, including $125 million for activities in poor communities and countries located in sub-Saharan Africa; the bill would require programs to prioritize issues such as the availability of feminine hygiene products.

The following chart details funding for programs important to women and their families.



President’s FY2018 Request



Department of State

Diplomatic and Consular Affairs

$6.147 billion

$5.284 billion

$5.449 billion

International Peacekeeping

$552.904 million

$268.886 million

$529.909 million


Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons

$12.5 million

$13.822 million

$13.822 million


$1.205 billion

$1.046 billion

$1.134 billion

Bilateral Economic Assistance

Migration and Refugee Assistance

$912.802 million

$715.241 million

$877.802 million


Global Health and Child Survival (State and USAID)

$8.725 billion

$6.481 billion

$8.321 billion

President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)

$5.67 billion

$4.975 billion

$5.67 billion

Maternal and Child Health

$814.5 million

$749.6 million

$814.5 million

Vulnerable Children

$23 million


$23 million

Family Planning/Reproductive Health

$523.95 million


$461 million

Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria

$137.5 billion

$1.125 billion

$1.35 billion


$330 million


$330 million


$45 million


$45 million

International Organizations and Programs

U.N. Children’s Fund

$137.5 million

Not specified

$132.5 million

U.N. Women (formerly UNIFEM)

$8.5 million



U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA)

$32.5 million

