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House Appropriations Committee Approves Labor, HHS Spending Bill

On July 19, the House Appropriations Committee passed, 28-22, the FY2018 Labor, Health and Human Services (HHS), and Education spending bill (as-yet-unnumbered), as amended. The House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, HHS, Education, and Related Agencies approved the measure on July 13 (see The Source, 7/14/17).

According to the committee report, the measure provides a total of $157.938 billion in discretionary funding, $5.047 billion below FY2017.

The Department of Labor would receive $10.767 billion in discretionary funds, which is $1.321 billion below FY2017 and $126.135 million above the administration’s FY2018 request.

The measure would provide $77.576 billion for the Department of Health and Human Services, $542.23 million below FY2017 and $14.547 billion above the president’s FY2018 request.  The bill would eliminate funding for family planning, Teen Pregnancy Prevention Community Grants, and Minority HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment.

The Department of Education would receive $65.824 billion, $2.415 billion below FY2017 and $2.935 billion above the president’s FY2018 request. The bill would eliminate funding for the Child Care Access Means Parents in School program.

In addition, the legislation would provide $356.674 million for cancer prevention and control, which includes $210 million for breast and cervical cancer, $4.96 million for breast cancer awareness for young women, $5.5 million for Johanna’s Law, and $8 million for ovarian cancer.

The following chart details funding for programs important to women and their families.



President’s FY2018 Request


Department of Labor

Dislocated Workers’ Assistance

$1.242 billion 

$732.485 million

$1.146 billion

Women’s Bureau

$12.53 million

$2.925 million

$11.466 million[1]

International Labor Affairs

$86.125 million

$18.5 million

$26.5 million

Department of Health and Human Services

Health Resources and Services Administration

$6.461 billion


$5.816 billion

$6.092 billion

Community Health Centers

$1.491 billion

$1.489 billion

$1.491 billion

Maternal and Child Health Bureau

$863.617 billion

$795.29 billion

$848.617 billion

Maternal and Child Health Block Grant

$641.7 million

$666.987 million

$641.7 million

Heritable Disorders

$13.883 million


$13.883 million

Universal Newborn Hearing Screening

$17.818 million


$17.818 million

Healthy Start

$103.5 million

$128.303 million

$103.5 million

Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act

$2.319 billion

$2.26 billion

$2.319 billion

Ryan White Part D – Children, Youth, Women, and Families Programs

$75.088 million

$75.088 million

$75.088 million

Family Planning

$286.479 million

$286.479 million


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (overall)

$7.255 billion

$6.031 billion

$7.057 billion

Global Health

$435.121 million

$350 million

$435.121 million

HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STDs, and TB Prevention

$1.117 billion

$934 million

$1.117 billion

National Institutes of Health (overall)

$34.084 billion

$26.604 billion

$35.184 billion

National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities

$289.069 million

$214.723 million

$293.583 million

Administration for Children and Families (overall)

$33.975 billion

$28.147 billion

$33.86 billion

Child Support Enforcement

$4.277 billion

$4.361 billion

$4.361 billion

Refugee and Entrant Assistance (aid to victims of trafficking)

$18.755 million

$18.719 million

$18.755 million

Child Care Development Block Grant

$2.856 billion

$2.761 billion

$2.86 billion

Child and Families Services Program

$11.294 billion                  

$10.204 billion

$11.182 billion

Head Start

$9.253 billion

$9.168 billion

$9.275 billion

Family Violence/Battered Women’s Shelters 

$151 million

$151 million

$151 million

National Domestic Violence Hotline 

$8.25 million

$8.25 million

$8.75 million

Promoting Safe and Stable Families (overall)

$384.765 million

$404.651 million

$384.765 million

Office of the Secretary – General Departmental Management

$525.457 million

$361.966 million

$350.346 million

Sexual Risk Avoidance

$15 million

$10 million

$20 million

Teen Pregnancy Prevention Community Grants

$101 million



Office of Minority Health

$56.67 million

56.562 million

$45.25 million

Office on Women’s Health

$32.14 million

$32.14 million

$25.712 million

Minority HIV/AIDS

$53.9 million



Office for Civil Rights

$38.798 million

$32.53 million

$38.798 million

Department of Education

Title I Grants to LEAs

$15.46 billion

$15.881 billion

$15.46 billion

Special Education grants for Infants and Families

$458.556 million

$457.684 million

$458.556 million

Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS)

$15.134 million



Office for Civil Rights

$108.5 million

$106.797 million

$108.5 million

[1] “Amounts made available to the Women’s Bureau, $994,000 shall be used for grants authorized by the Women in Apprenticeship and Nontraditional Occupations Act.”