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Bills Introduced


S.2311—Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)(1/16/18)—A bill to protect pain-capable unborn children.

H.R.4844—Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC)/Energy and Commerce (1/19/18)—A bill to ensure that women seeking an abortion receive an ultrasound and the opportunity to review the ultrasound before giving informed consent.

H.R. 4849—Rep. Pete Olson (R-TX)/Energy and Commerce (1/19/18)—A bill to require states to report information on Medicaid payments to abortion providers.


H.R. 4794—Rep. Kristi Noem (R-SD)/Ways and Means(1/16/18)—A bill to permit unborn children to be account beneficiaries of section 529 education savings accounts.


H.R. 4822—Rep. Gregg Harper (R-MS)/House Administration; Ways and Means; Ethics, Oversight and Government Reform (1/18/18)—A bill to reform investigative procedures of violation of employee rights within the legislative branch, including protections against sexual harassment.

Family Support

H.R. 4855—Rep. Matt Cartwright (D-PA)/Agriculture (1/19/18)—A bill to provide an incentive for households participating in the supplemental nutrition assistance program to purchase certain nutritious fruits and vegetables that are beneficial to good health.


H.Res. 706—Rep. Janice Schakowsky (D-IL)/Energy and Commerce (1/19/17)—A resolution expressing the support for the designation of a “Women’s Health Research Day.”

Human Trafficking

S.2308—Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ)/Finance (1/16/18)—A bill to suspend eligibility for the Generalized System of Preferences for countries that fail to meet minimum standards for the elimination of human trafficking.


S.2326—Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA)/Judiciary (1/19/18)—A bill to prohibit discrimination against the unborn on the basis of sex.

H.R.4867—Rep. Bobby Rush (D-IL)/Judiciary (1/19/18)—A bill to prevent child marriage.


H.R.4856—Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-NY)/House Administration (1/19/17)—A bill to direct the Joint Committee on the Library to obtain a statue of Shirley Chisholm for placement in the United States Capitol.